Day 16 - Beating A Path Along The Mersey (roughly)

Liverpool to Manchester There's something about Liverpool that I never tire of. It's got character, vivacity, a proper local accent. You can forgive it being a bit cocky at times because, frankly, it has an awful lot to be proud of. After all, the city does hold the Guinness Book of Records' title of the UK Capital of Pop. More musicians with their origins in Liverpool have had a number one hit than from any other place in Britain, but it doesn't start and end with the Mersey Beat. The city also has the largest collection of Grade II-listed buildings outside London – 2,500 of them, plus 250 public monuments. The Walker Art Gallery houses one of the best collections of European art outside London. The city is also home to the Tate, and the largest cathedral in Britain. And then there's Superlambanana. How could you not love a place that commissions something as daft as this? This bright yellow sculpture, part lamb, part banana, was created by the ...